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Bosch smart life technology

Industry problem

From planning to design, construction to maintenance, the entire building life-cycle is a process which requires to sovle cross-domain issues all along the project timeline. It has been an exploring-worthy topic on how to efficiently access information in a complex built environment, inspect project progress and enhance team collabration, so to reduce rework cost and catch the project milestone.

During digital transformation time, how can we apply innovative technology more accurately and efficiently to AEC (Architecture, Engineering & Construction) field?

Bosch Digitalized Building Space Solution- Bosch Spatial Data

What is Bosch Spatial Data?

Bosch Spatial Data, Bosch innovatively developed digitalized building space solution, consists of data capturing backpack and SaaS service platform. The backpack is equipped with 360 ° panoramic camera and lidar. It can quickly and accurately collect all-dimensional information of building sites. Users can inspect site remotely via SaaS platform, No matter when and where they are.

Why to choose Bosch Spatial Data:

Customer benefit:
Users can Access to on-site information with high accuracy remote inspection and collaboration with team at SaaS platform in their off-site office. They can track construction process and review history data, compare real-site construction with design data to detect construction deviations in early stage. SaaS service in web and smart phone helps users problem solving in time.

Technical advantage
Efficient data capturing process:
Bosch Spatial Data enables flexible capturing process without a fixed path or area, working with wide coverage and high speed

Cutting-edge algorithm module:
SLAM algorithm can quickly establish large-scale building point cloud map with centimeter level accuracy

Powerful data processing engine:
Quick data processing enables frequent scanning requests on construction site. Lite rendering technology in SaaS, processing large-scale building models and point cloud map in very short time, enables quick response for users